According to IMS Research, the wearables market is poised to grow from 14 million devices shipped in 2011 to as many as 171 million units shipped by 2016! According to a recent Business Insider report, "those betting big on wearable computing believe an assorted new crop of gadgets — mostly worn on the wrist or as eyewear — will become a "fifth screen," after TVs, PCs, smartphones, and tablets."
I recently was invited to talk at the DevFest West 2013 held at the Google campus in Mountain View where I presented a Lightning Talk on "Learnings, Prototypes & Use Cases on Google Glass".
The talk provides insights and lessons learned from innovative experiments
for building innovative services for Google Glass for capturing
financial data picture and for mobile payments. It also covers a number of
Glass Use-Cases as well as Glass Prototypes that we implemented across
Intuit. If you find the presentation slides below useful, then add a comment here or follow me @tasneemsayeed for future postings!
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