Friday, February 20, 2009

Porting J2ME Applications to Android

When the new Google Android platform was introduced, there were initially a small number applications available, so Google spent $10 million to attract developers to their Android Developer Challenge before the T-Mobile G1 phone was released.  The existing Java ME community quickly realized that there was a huge opportunity if there can be tools developed that allowed the existing Java ME applications to be run on the Android platform.  

There are 2 tools that may be somewhat useful for allowing Java ME applications to run on Android:
  1. MicroEmulator is a pure Java implementation of Java ME in J2SE.  The advantage is that it is an open source project and is licensed under LPGL so that it is possible to distribute commercial software with its libraries.  See MicroEmu: Running Java ME applications on Android for further details.  
  2. Netmite has developed an application, J2ME MIDP Runner to allow running Java ME applications on Android without significant source code changes that is readily available to download from the Android Market
MicroEmulator supports the following features :  
  • MIDP 2.0 (TextField UI - not yet implemented)
  • Skinnable and configurable interface
  • Generic Connection Framework
  • JSR 135 (Mobile Multimedia API); JSR 75 (File Connection API)
  • JSR-179 (Location APIs) targeted to be available as a commercial extension
  • JSR-184 (3D graphics) on top of Android OpenGL ES targeted to be available in the future as a commercial extension
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Sriram said...

HI ,
i have developed a j2me based application which has different behaviour on various makes of the phones .
COuld u please guide me on this aspect.
Thanks a ton

Duncan Wilkerson said...

Story which you stated is really interesting about Java ME community starting tool for running Java application on Android platform. I was not knowing this fact.The feature detail of MicroEmulator is helpful.

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